EcoSpark Blog
Faces of Ecospark
EcoSpark is made possible with the dedication of a passionate group of full and part-time staff as well as students and interns! Take some time to get to know the faces, new and old around EcoSpark this winter and spring.
Let's Talk About Bats: Friends or Foes?
Vampires, devils, and misfortune—bats are often seen as ominous in many cultures. But did you know they are actually beneficial?
Those aren’t just warts - They’re Hackberry Psyllids!
These warts, called galls, actually house a big secret. More of a little secret, really. Meet the Hackberry Psyllid.
Exploring the Hidden Benefits: Mental Well-being and Citizen Science Participation
Recent research unveils a remarkable truth: engaging in citizen science projects doesn't just contribute to our understanding of the natural world, it also holds profound benefits for our mental well-being.
Discovering Nature in the City: EcoSpark Staff Past City Nature Challenge Highlights
The City Nature Challenge, a four-day global event, inspires cities to engage in a friendly competition to see who can document the most wildlife observations, identify more species, and involve the greatest number of participants.
Have You Heard of Bioacoustics?
Bioacoustics is the study of the production, transmission, and reception of sounds produced by or affecting living organisms. But why is it necessary?
Sustainable Development Goals
Youth and the future of our planet depend on collaboration across the globe. Frameworks such as the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG's) have been useful for organizations like EcoSpark and our partners, because they set out focus areas and emphasize the interdependent problem solving we need to truly make progress.
Winter Community Science Volunteer Program
We have two exciting environmental monitoring projects this winter. SkNOWLEDGE involves monitoring local snowfall, while our iNaturalist project involves monitoring local biodiversity. You can collect data for both projects in the same trip to your local park or greenspace. Volunteer as much time as you like, submitting as many observations as you are able to (minimum 2 hours suggested).
Student Artist Interview: Edwin P.
Meet Edwin P., a high school bug enthusiast and art hobbyist from the GTA. Edwin got involved with EcoSpark during a school project. Inspired by his passion, he crafted animal-themed ink stamps for EcoSpark, using a process involving design, printing, and carving. Edwin's unique approach strikes a balance between accurate and artistic. Thank you to Edwin for his time, effort, and artistic flair!
Inclusive Terminology: A Discussion on "Citizen Science"
EcoSpark strives to be a community leader in local engagement, education, citizen science and collaboration. Ongoing conversation has been present within the community that practices Citizen Science dating back to 2007, suggesting that the term Citizen Science is not reflective of the inclusive goals within the community as not everyone sees themselves as a citizen. EcoSpark seeks to ensure that our terminology reflects our goal to engage in inclusive practices.
SPRINGO and City Nature Challenge
Help put Toronto and the GTA on the map to win the title of the wildest city in Canada by taking part in the City Nature Challenge 2023 from April 28 - May 1!
The Wonders of Algae
Algae are some of the most impactful organisms on the planet. They are critical members of aquatic ecosystems, they’re important sources of oxygen, but they can also cause great destruction as a result of human pollution.
The Great Backyard Bird Count is Here
The Great Backyard Bird Count is a citizen science project where people worldwide watch birds over a four-day period (February 17-20) and report what they see to create an annual snapshot of the distribution and abundance of birds.
Tree Species Identification in Our Dormant Winter Forests
When walking through Ontario’s beautiful forests in the winter, take some photos of the trees that you see. It can be very difficult to tell them apart, but there are a few key clues to look for.
Sustainable Foods Staff Selections 🎥📚🎧
EcoSpark's summer multimedia list presents our favourite selections and helps you save money by living more sustainably!
EcoSpark is launching our GeoHub!
EcoSpark is officially launching our GeoHub website! Check out our blog about what a GeoHub is and what mapping applications are available.
Inspiring Staff Selections 🎥📚
Staff recommend our favourite multimedia selections this winter break.
Caterpillars Count: Invasive Spongy Moths in Southern Ontario
Invasive Spongy Moth caterpillars are a common species found during EcoSpark’s Caterpillars Count surveys. In this blog post you will learn more about this species, its population control, and what can be done to slow its spread.
Sparking Science Through Mentorship
This past October EcoSpark was able to hold it’s 3rd annual Sparking Science Through Mentorship conference at the UTSC campus, in a collaboration with Dunbarton High School, the University of Toronto Scarborough (UTSC), and the Durham District School Board.
Greenbelt Youth Ambassadors 2019
This past year EcoSpark launched its first ever Greenbelt Youth Ambassador program!