City nature challenge 2025: Toronto and GTA

Join EcoSpark and TRCA in the tenth City Nature Challenge 2025 from April 25 - 28!

City Nature Challenge Toronto & GTA phone

City Nature Challenge is a free four-day event where communities across the world collaborate to see which city can gather the greatest number of wildlife observations, find the most species and engage the most people in nature connection.

Each record of a plant or animal submitted helps track and understand biodiversity! Everyone can participate, find instructions below.

EcoSpark and TRCA are regional organizers for the city of Toronto and the Greater Toronto Area (Toronto and GTA). Together, we will put Toronto and GTA on the map to win the title of the wildest city in Canada.

Help global participants contribute millions of observations this year to make a HUGE difference for biodiversity.


Register for City Nature Challenge updates, be eligible to win prizes from our generous sponsors while supporting local biodiversity!

Schools, Youth & CommunitY VOlunteer Groups

Teachers, volunteers, and youth aged 13+ can participate in the City Nature Challenge on their own. Our resources make it easy!

Get students outside and collect nature observations using the iNaturalist platform during the Challenge. Youth environmental leaders can spread the word about the Challenge and encourage eco-clubs or communities to get involved.

EcoSpark can visit your school or community group to deliver hands-on biodiversity training, introducing participants to the world of citizen science through curriculum-linked on-site activities.

Two slivery-blue moths on a yellow flower.

Silvery Blue, Vaughan, ON, Canada (CC BY-NC Colleen Craig)


Register your school to become a part of the EcoSpark community, get City Nature Challenge updates, resources and for a chance to win prizes!

Check out the educator’s guide to City Nature Challenge for tips and ideas about engaging your school or community group in outdoor learning and exploration of nature in schoolyards, parks and nearby green spaces.

Corporate Group Challenge

Engage Your Team, Make a Real Impact!

Join the City Nature Challenge with EcoSpark and turn your corporate team into biodiversity champions!

Your involvement directly supports local biodiversity, community health, and environmental education. Nature is everywhere! Your participation helps document wild species, supporting biodiversity, documenting impacts to climate-sensitive species.

Why Get Involved?

  • Give Back to Nature – Help document wild species and support climate-sensitive biodiversity.

  • Build Team Spirit – Strengthen connections while working together for a cause.

  • Make a Lasting Impact – Your participation helps fund STEM workshops for students!

    You can help us empower youth where the need is greatest! Fees support up to 120 students to participate in transformative STEM workshops.


Ready to make a difference?

How to participate in City Nature ChallengE


Explore nature from wherever you are in the GTA by finding wild species close to home. Even watching birds from your window is helpful!

Record observations by taking a picture or recording a sound of what you find and uploading it to iNaturalist, making note of the location. Observations submitted to iNaturalist between April 25 - 28 will be included in the challenge.

Be aware of human and wildlife safety at all times and explore natural areas responsibly with ethical wildlife photography.

To support biodiversity research, focus on insects, birds, weeds, and other wild plants, animals and fungi (rather than cultivated species like garden flowers).

Yellow-rumped Warbler

Yellow-rumped Warbler, Derek Spencer, some rights reserved (CC-BY)

2. Share Your photos

Red Trillium

Red Trillium, ocius1, some rights reserved (CC-BY-NC)

Submit observations by uploading them to your iNaturalist account (on your computer or with the app). Join EcoSpark’s iNaturalist page for fascinating biodiversity info and local updates

Observations submitted within Toronto and the GTA will be included in the City Nature Challenge: Toronto and GTA iNaturalist project. Encourage your friends and neighbours to help out!

Check back on iNaturalist April 29 - May 4 to help identify what species we found. No special skills are required to get involved in exploring the data!

EcoSpark will showcase local results and species totals for this collaborative global event.

Note: iNaturalist requires users to be 13+ to make an account

3. learn about local biodiversity

Dig deeper to explore the plants and animals that share our city! EcoSpark educator resources and City Nature Challenge Education Toolkit help teachers and students make curriculum connections and practice outdoor inquiry.

Book an interactive EcoSpark session to engage your grade 6-12 class, corporate team or volunteer group in citizen science activities and connect with their local environment.

Subscribe to our newsletter (below) for updates. Let’s support even more diverse species for next year’s count! Together we can steward the GTA’s ecosystems that sustain us all.

Eastern Chipmunk, High Park

Eastern Chipmunk, dodo2106, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC)


Register for City Nature Challenge updates, be eligible to win prizes from our generous sponsors while supporting local biodiversity!

Check out the TRCA events calendar for community events during City Nature Challenge.

City nature challenge 2025 timeline

March and April

Help spread the word about the City Nature Challenge in your community!

April 25 to 28

Take photos or record sounds of plants and animals and post them on iNaturalist.

Join EcoSpark and TRCA for City Nature Challenge 2025: Toronto and GTA. Volunteer with citizen scientists from around the world surveying wild species in their communities. Anyone can help out! EcoSpark will map and share the results.

April 29 TO MAY 4

Explore the records on our iNaturalist project and help identify species to the best of your ability.

It’s easy to get started! By categorizing “unknown” observations into groups like “birds”, “trees”, etc. or providing species names, you will help the GTA quickly identify species for the global count.


Check back at for results!

View 2024 results from Toronto and GTA, Canada and all over the world. Thanks to everyone who participated in City Nature Challenge 2024, we were able to exceed 2.4 million observations last year!

Did you participate in a past City Nature Challenge: Toronto & GTA? Check out our City Nature Challenge dashboard to view your results from 2024 and previous years.

CNC logo Toronto GTA


City Nature Challenge is a great way to connect with nature and collaborate with experts all around the world.

By participating, not only do we get to learn about the local nature that is all around us, we also help scientists study and protect species in our cities by documenting nature in our area, while build community and connection.

Join hundreds of cities worldwide in celebrating and tracking wild species!

toronto and gta regional organizers

We are grateful for support from our Local sponsors