EcoSpark Blog
Running with the Rot Squad in Headwater Streams
I’m an aquatic/landscape ecology PhD student from the University of British Columbia. I’ve been working with EcoSpark since last summer to develop a citizen science protocol to examine how an ecological process, decomposition rate of cotton strips in headwater streams, might change when land uses in watersheds are different.
EcoSpark in the Park - Connecting community, citizen science and fun in nature
On a sunny September day, my nine year old son and I headed down to the Humber River for EcoSpark in the Park. Tom immediately volunteered to put on a pair of waders and hop into the river, a place he had been told not to go on previous school trips and family visits to the park.
Angela’s Greenbelt Blog: My Greenbelt Youth Charter Experience
When I heard about the opportunity to be a part of the first-ever Greenbelt Youth Charter, I immediately signed up. Mother Nature does not have a voice but I do—we all do!
Angela’s Greenbelt Blog: The Greenbelt’s Diversity
EcoSpark’s Greenbelt Youth Charter Bus Tour enabled me to see beyond what I was familiar with and I learned so much through this experience.
Angela’s Greenbelt Blog: A Gem Outside the City
In less than an hour’s drive from the heart of downtown Toronto, you will arrive at the Greenbelt. This piece of undeveloped green land is the world’s largest protected greenbelt and is a place where many people escape to relax.